Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why We Cannot Get Rid of the Lobbyists

Many people are highly upset at this latest scandal of our politicians taking huge amounts of money bribes from a “K-Street” Lobbyist that turns out to be dirty stolen money. In fact the amount of money and the way it was taken and re-directed into other accounts and then re-directed shows that the amount of fraud in Washington DC and the millions in dirty money is a deep problem.

Some are calling for the ousting of the corrupt politicians involved and also very upset at the problems of the entire K-Street government for sale to the highest bidder games. We know who the highest bidders are and they not even from our country, nor do they have the greater good for America in mind. Many people want to get rid of revolving doors in Washington DC and kick the lobbyists out of Washington DC completely, but we really cannot do that. Do you want to know why we cannot get rid of the lobbyists?

Well it is simple really if we do not have lobbyists then there is no way for the business men who provide all the jobs to talk to the government. We need a seamless system that takes into consideration the free markets and allows the government and private sector to work together. If not the whole thing crumbles.

So a few things need to happen really, we need to reduce the over regulation, decrease the number of lawyers and remove some of the bureaucracy in Washington DC, while simultaneously laying down the letter of the law for fraudsters in the lobbyist community. Consider this in 2006.

By Lance Winslow